Skittle Bug

Who am I?

I am a person who is passionate about art, I draw all kinds of things from simple doodles to detailed characters I develop. I also try my best to animate and create things I enjoy.I enjoy aesthetics like Space, Weirdcore, Breakcore, and Vaporwave. A few of my favorite games is Portal, Major's Mask, Terraria, Undertale, and PhasmophobiaI have SAD, MDD, ADHD, and GAD. While I do have treatment and coping methods for all of them SAD still affects me socially and if I become distant it's most likely not personal.
Note: I use tone indicators. Sometimes it's hard for me to tell the tone of others or people not understanding my own tone (I don't use emojis seriously)

Rules About My
Created Content

-Don't get heavily inspired or rip-off ANY of my work or characters especially my comfort OCs that are dear to me- Don't ship yourself or any other OCs with my characters unless given permission to do so, it makes me uncomfortable-Do NOT draw NSFW of any characters especially ones who are minors-Don't repost or steal my content at all, if you do use my art make sure to get permission and credit me-Don't trace, remove my watermark from, or try to sell my artwork-Don't expect me to take your request just because you want me to

DNI if:

- If you are discriminatory towards any race, sex, gender, etc. even if it's just for a joke it's not funny-If you support NFTs, AI artwork, or any of the sort- If you talk mainly sexually, I don't like interacting that way if I'm not comfortable (which usually I'm not and it's surface level when I do) even if it's supposed to be a joke- If you are a proshipper, ship irl people, or generally are into disgusting things- If you talk in an overdramatic/ entitled fashion, I cannot stand it. (the kind of way "pick me"s talk)- If I have blocked, banned, or blacklisted you on any website- If you ignore my triggers or disregard my boundaries

The Official Blacklist:


These people will either have vague names, old names, nicknames, or otherwise not be stated directly for personal reasons, if you know for a fact you are one of these people please stay away

This table includes ones that I mostly use myself but if you wish to see some more examples you should check out this carrd or this wiki for more information
I also tend to combine tone indicators but do leave spaces in between for example:
"I hate you so much for being talented /pf j"

Indicators I mostly useMeaning
/hjhalf joking
/ijinside joke
/lhlight hearted
/otoff topic
/nsrsnot serious
/nmnot mad
/negnegative connotation
/pospositive connotation
/nbhnobody here


Three of the biggest thing to avoid when talking to me are talking about the afterlife (the unknown) and derealization. Saying things like "nothing is real" or questioning what happens after you die.Another topic I beg you to avoid unless given strict permission is things about rape or sexual assault.Lastly please do not randomly talk about any emotional abuse or manipulation before I get to know you better, if you want to talk to me about it ask first, I need a warning.All of these things will most likely trigger strong emotions of discomfort or anxiety that can make me either feel horribly sick to my stomach, have a breakdown, or severally distance myself.

You can always tell me your triggers so I know too and it doesn't have to be one-sidedI will openly express to you when I'm comfortable or uncomfortable about certain topics, just because it's not directly stated does not mean I don't get upset about it, it just means I don't have a full anxiety attack.Here's a picture of Cosmo to calm nerves :]